Plastic Free July - what can you do at UQ

Plastic Free July is a global movement that has inspired millions of people and businesses in more than 190 countries to reduce their single-use plastic for a month - and well beyond.

The movement builds on the idea that if everyone makes small changes, collectively we will make a massive difference to our communities.

Find out what you can do around UQ and further afield this July.

Choose to refuse plastic at UQ

UQ runs numerous recycling and waste minimisation initiatives to reduce single-use plastic waste around the University.

Big impact items that you can be part of include:

  • BYO coffee cup - people still throw away thousands of takeaway coffee cups every day
  • BYO water bottle - there are free refill stations all around campus
  • Choose UQ Unwrapped - these food outlets are minimising their own single-use plastic products. Look for the badge
  • Don't buy new if you don't have to - use UQ WARPit to source secondhand products (with no packaging), look out for events like UQ's LabSwap week or come along to a UQ Repair Cafe and learn how to repair your own items (every circular action contributes to reducing plastic in the supply chain)
  • Recycle the plastic you do have - we have bins to help you recycle different items on campus. 

Get more ideas for reducing plastic in your life

The Plastic Free July website has heaps of useful tips and ideas to help you reduce plastic waste in specific areas of daily life such as cleaning products, sanitary items, balloons and decorations, bathroom products, grocery shopping, picnics and many more.

UQ Sustainability has also published an article to help you learn more about microplastics and how they impact our environment.

About Plastic Free July

Now a global movement, Plastic Free July began in Western Australia in 2011 as a campaign run by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz and a small team in local government. The idea caught on quickly and the campaign grew substantially. 

In 2017, Rebecca set up the Plastic Free Foundation Ltd as an independent, not-for-profit charity to better support participants and continue to grow the number of involved.

Its vision is to see a world free of plastic waste. Every year, it aims to increase participation in its July campaign and reduce plastic use year-round in our daily lives. According to the Plastic Free July website, nearly 30% of global consumers are aware of Plastic Free July and an estimated 140 million people worldwide take part in its annual activities.

>> Learn more about Plastic Free July

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