UQ LabSwap Week


Our annual LabSwap Week encourages all UQ lab staff to give away unwanted, non-hazardous lab consumables and equipment.

Lab swap benefits

  • Free up lab space through reuse
  • Reduce wastage in your facility
  • Extend lab budgets for science
  • Help labs be more sustainable and meet environmental goals

How does it work?

Every year in November, we send an email asking lab staff to upload unwanted lab items onto the UQ WarpIt portal.

We also encourage lab staff to log into WarpIt and see if there is equipment or consumables you can claim for free instead of purchasing new.

You can register online for UQ Warpit anytime so you are ready for Lab Swap Week!

Important information

  • Consumables and scientific equipment located in hazardous areas (i.e. PC2 Laboratories, Animal Houses, Chemical Store, Glasshouses, Quarantine, Insectaries and Aquaria facilities, and Radiation or Constant Temperature rooms), must be decontaminated and a PF306 Hazards in Laboratories form completed by the contributing party before removal from the lab*.
  • The claimant is responsible for ensuring all electrical equipment is electrically safe. Refer to the Guideline for Purchase and Acquisition of Electrical Equipment at UQ.
  • Departments / colleges must make their own delivery/collection arrangements.  

*Contact the Biological safety Advisors at biosafety@uq.edu.au for further advice on decontamination procedures in your lab.