In 2018, the Queensland Container Refund Scheme, Containers for Change, was introduced, giving a 10-cent refund for eligible drink containers. There are more than 230 container refund points operating across the state. One is located on the St Lucia campus at the Envirobank Smart Pod.
The Container Refund Scheme also provides an opportunity for the University to collect drink containers on campus, with the money generated being allocated to the Student Green Fund. Drink container refund bin enclosures are installed around the St Lucia campus: at the Physiol Refec, at UQ Union and in Campbell Place.
The Student Green Fund provides grants for student-led projects that improve the University’s sustainability performance. Projects must either reduce the University’s environmental impacts or improve on education, outreach, or community involvement.
Do you have a great sustainability project idea? See the details on how to apply for a Green Fund Program Grant.