To help maintain our beautiful University environment and in preparation for the start of 2025, Property and Facilities (P&F) are asking that all staff participate in a general campus clean-up/de-clutter during the period Monday 20 January to Wednesday 12 February 2025. We have a shared responsibility for maintaining a safe, tidy and productive working and learning environment at UQ. This includes reviewing common spaces and identifying opportunities to de-clutter, tidy or dispose.

This could include: 

  • removing items from trafficable spaces such as pathways, building entrances, stairwells and corridors
  • looking for opportunities to optimise the use of space and improve safety and aesthetics.   

P&F is supporting our campus clean-up by providing skip bins for the removal of large items between 20 January and 12 February. Following the success of previous campus clean-ups we will be providing 10 skips at St Lucia campus and 2 at Herston campus, as well as skips at Indooroopilly, Long Pocket, PACE, Pinjarra Hills and Gatton.

You must take into account health and safety regulations for manual handling, so if you have large items that you need assistance with, please log a REMOVALIST job in Archibus via your Archibus Nominated User and in your notes, please specify this request is associated with the campus clean-up project. We will then arrange assistance either through our own resources or UQ’s approved contractors.

The skip bins are to be used for General Waste only.

Hazardous waste should not be disposed in the skip bins. To reduce waste, recyclable items should be disposed in their designated recycling bins (e.g. paper, cardboard, e-waste bins) and good quality furniture items should be uploaded to UQ WARPitUQ WARPit is an online resource sharing tool which allows UQ staff to post unwanted items for donation or claim items for work purposes.

Refer to the Recycling and waste website for more details

Please ensure when using the skip bins, you pack items to maximise the volume of the skip.

  • Skip bin locations are listed below or see the map showing the locations here.

Skip bin locations

  • TBC
  • In the carpark of OHC and Mayne Medical School
  • Loading Dock UQCCR
  • Carpark next to Building 0632
  • Rear loading dock area 
Long Pocket
Pinjarra Hills
  • Outside the cattle yards

St Lucia

(see map below)


St Lucia skip bin locations (click on map to view file)

More information can be found on the Recycling and waste website.

About Campus beautification

UQ's beautiful campuses showcase Australia's wildlife and rich biodiversity intermingled with our teaching and research facilities.

We're very proud of our grounds and like to keep our environment looking its best with regular groundskeeping as well as special events to target specific areas.

Throughout the year we have a series of landcare, clean up, tree plantings and bush care regeneration activities drawing groups of volunteers.

All are welcome including staff, students and the broader community.  Come and join us at our next event!