From recycling foil to choosing chocolate, travelling wisely and gifting thoughtfully, there may be many opportunities to celebrate more sustainably this holidays.
We’ve rounded up some of our most popular stories to offer our top Easter sustainability tips.
Easter food
Choosing ethical chocolate is a common call around Easter time. Happily, a quick search online will bring up several scorecards and information on key issues from palm oil and deforestation through to forced labour and fair trade. You might like to do a bit of research before you head to the shops.
Outside of chocolate eggs and bunnies, the Easter roast is often a weekend highlight. While not everyone wants to switch to meat-free, it’s good to know there are more and more options for – and an increasing amount of research dedicated to – plant protein substitutes.
And to spark a few new ideas, when was the last time you thought about the flour supply chain? Like most farming practices, wheat is part of a challenging climate change cycle and many food researchers are dedicated to alleviating agricultural pressures.
So, as you enjoy a couple of hot cross buns this Easter, take a moment to contemplate what they might taste like in the future made with a new flour substitute such as ground insect powder!
Want to know more about some of our research in these areas? Read our story: Three futuristic Easter food ideas
Easter recycling
Did you know Easter egg foil is recyclable? In fact, aluminium is one of the most valuable metals to recycle in the world, from an energy saving perspective.
But if you are saving up your wrappers over the weekend, it’s good to understand how the recycling process works:
- Materials at the plant are segregated by physical properties, so little loose bits of foil can be problematic, as they are more likely to cross-contaminate other materials
- In particular, aluminium metal can react with the solutions used to break down recycled paper, which can then generate hydrogen gas
- Try to collect all your foil in one big ball or pop smaller pieces in an aluminium drink can!
Keen to understand more? Read our story: Recycling right this Easter
Easter travel
Like Christmas, the Easter long weekend tends to be one of the busiest times of the year for travel. And while flying and driving will sometimes be unavoidable in a country like Australia, consider whether you could reach your destination in other ways? Or, perhaps you could think about using a train or a bus instead of hiring a car once you reach your destination?
It’s also pretty common that a few popular areas attract most of the visitors. Overcrowding at major tourist destinations can have sustainability impacts on both local communities and the environment. Could you consider going somewhere more regional or different this year? You might end up with a cheaper and ultimately more peaceful trip!
Read our story: Five tips for a sustainable holiday season
Easter gifts and merchandise
While Easter gifting tends to be on a smaller scale than Christmas, people do often like to offer family and friends small tokens to celebrate the season. This is a lovely gesture, and it may be worth thinking twice about what you’re buying.
Holiday-themed gifts like t-shirts, pyjamas, coffee mugs and more – which are produced and branded specifically for festivities – are less likely to be used again after the holiday period. This means these items may be more likely to end up in landfill a few weeks later.
Likewise for disposable food ware items – do you really need them or could you use your regular table settings and maybe make a few decorations from leftover things around your home?
Read our story: Celebrate with less waste this season