UQ Recharge Workplace EV Program

UQ Recharge is a workplace electric vehicle (EV) charging program created by UQ Sustainability to promote the adoption of low/zero emission vehicles among UQ staff.
This program will start as a pilot trial with four charging stations located at various car parks on the St Lucia Campus.
Depending on user demand, it is expected to grow and expand to other UQ campuses in the future.
New green parking and charging zones
Under UQ Recharge, a new parking zone (i.e. Green Zone 1472888) has been established for the use of dedicated EV charging parking bays. The green zone allows UQ staff to park and charge EVs at a convenient flat daily parking fee.
Park and charge locations
Staff can use UQ's charging stations at the following locations:
Staff-only electric vehicle charging stations at St Lucia
Participate in UQ Recharge
Have any feedback in regards to the features of this program? Contact us at sustainability@uq.edu.au
For terms and conditions, click here.