Know Your Plastics Workshop (Online) for Plastic Free July
We have heard it all before: plastic ISN'T fantastic. But this is just the tip of the iceberg...
Join UQ Sustainability’s Christine McCallum in a discussion about the different types of plastics that are part of our lives, which ones can be recycled and how this happens, what governments are doing to change the tide of plastics, and where we fit in as consumers.
This event is being run as part of UQ Sustainability's Plastic Free July program. Learn more about Plastic Free July here.

About Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is a global movement that has inspired millions of people and businesses in more than 190 countries to reduce their single-use plastic for a month - and well beyond.
The movement builds on the idea that if everyone makes small changes, collectively we will make a massive difference to our communities.
Find out more about how you can reduce your plastic use around UQ and further afield.