UQ's WARPit program is almost one year old! An innovative online resource-sharing tool that helps reduce waste, WARPit is a portal that allows staff to post unwanted work items such as furniture or stationery for other staff to claim. Everything posted on WARPit is free — removing claimed furniture items is the only part of the process that might incur a cost.
WARPit ran in pilot stage for its first six months, but now has 194 staff members who have claimed over 250 items so far. Better yet, the system has saved an impressive $41,980 to date (WARPit automatically calculates the savings it generates based on what each claimed item would cost if it was purchased new) and avoided almost five tonnes of waste.
If you’re interested in joining WARPit as a UQ staff member, all you need to do is register on the UQ WARPit home page. Once your nominated financial delegate has approved your registration, you can start posting and claiming. For more information about how the system works and a step-by-step user guide, check out the WARPit User Guide and WARPit FAQ.