Green Residents program

UQ's eleven residential colleges are home to over 3,000 students within 10 colleges at St Lucia campus and the Halls of Residence at Gatton campus.

Sustainability at UQ's Residential Colleges

The residential colleges administer their own individual sustainability programs tailored to each college's requirements.

Complementing these programs is the Sustainable Colleges Initiative, which is a network of UQ's residential colleges interested in promoting sustainable practicles in residential life.

This group's vision is for residents to lead a coordinated, networked approach to educate, communicate and promote sustainability amoung colleges and the broader community into the future.

Resources and contacts

A survey tool has been developed to assist UQ's residential colleges in assessing their current sustainability practices.

The UQ Green Residents Survey is available to UQ residential colleges to assess their current sustainability practices.  Contact the Sustainability Office to obtain a copy.