The Green Program’s auditing process is intended to educate, encourage and recognise workplaces that are engaging in sustainable practices.

A “survey” is the Green Office version of an environmental audit, while an “assessment” is the Green Lab’s version, with both involving different methods. A baseline audit must be completed by every Green Rep if their workplace is new to the program. The audit provides recognition for sustainable practices that are already in place, and provides suggestions for workplaces to further reduce their impact. Optional annual audits can also be conducted throughout the year to track the workplace’s ongoing progress.

The audits identify areas of strength and opportunity within current environmental practices. These areas are related to activities concerning water, waste, energy and procurement.

 The Green Office survey involves a walk-through the workplace when the day is over, to observe energy consumption, waste in bins, and what products may be in the office that can be replaced with eco-friendly ones. The purchasing officer, and people within the workplace, subsequently fill out a survey detailing their environmental practices. This creates a clear picture that the new Reps can work with to enact change.

The Green Lab assessment focuses on lab equipment, experimental procedures and sustainable practices within the lab. The topics covered in the assessment include energy conservation, freezer management, waste reduction, and Green Chemistry.

Once these audits are completed, the results are summarised within a report. These reports provide baseline data and subsequent recommendations tailored to each workplace.

Graph of Assessment ratings
An example of a graph produced for a Green Lab assessment report, showing the average score for the main environmental practices.

Although conducting an audit as a new Rep may be daunting, the Green Programs Assistant is available to help, and can come to the Rep's workplace to make the process easier.  If you’d like to be involved and do a workplace audit of your own, see the Green Office and Green Labs pages to apply.