Green Labs' Lab Gear Swap

16 August 2021 12:00am20 August 2021 11:30pm
This is the week to give away your unwanted, non-hazardous lab consumables and equipment. 
GAP volunteers weeding

GAP National Tree Day Working Bee

1 August 2021 8:00am11:00am
Join the UQ Green Ambassador Program (GAP) for a bushcare working bee on a Sunday morning to celebrate #NationalTreeDay. Help the environment, meet like-minded people, and enjoy fellowship afterwards!
Minimalism poster

GAP Online Watch Party: ‘Minimalism’

23 July 2021 7:00pm9:00pm
Join the UQ Green Ambassador Program (GAP) from your very own couch for an online movie night featuring the documentary 'Minimalism'.
Students planting seedlings

UQ Green Fund 2021

1 July 2021 9:00am30 September 2021 5:00pm

Green Lab New Rep Training

16 March 2021 1:30pm3:30pm
Cyclist riding down Jacaranda Lane at UQ St Lucia campus

Micro-mobility & Active Transport Workshop

11 March 2021 1:30pm3:30pm
Join our Micro-mobility & Active Transport Workshop and help inform the rollout of infrastructure on and around campus to support the use of micro-mobility and active transport modes.

Pictionary games night - Hosted by GAP

24 February 2021 6:00pm7:00pm
The Green Ambassador Program (GAP) are inviting you to play sustainability-themed online Pictionary!

Herb Garden Workshop

23 February 2021 12:00pm1:00pm
Learn how to make, grow, and care for your very own herb garden.

GAP Online Watch Party - 'Chasing Ice' Documentary

18 February 2021 7:00pm8:30pm
Join the UQ Green Ambassador Program (GAP) from your very own couch for an online movie night featuring the documentary 'Chasing Ice'.
Australian eucalyptus tree.

Sustainability & Caring for Country - First Nations Webinar

16 February 2021 2:00pm3:00pm
Join UQ Sustainability, the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), and Future Dreaming Australia for this fascinating webinar!
