Doing positive things for the planet have been identified as part of the recipe for mental wellbeing. Taking small, positive steps to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle can benefits you in more ways than one.
As part of UQ’s Mental Health Week, UQ Unwrapped hosted a workshop with Plastic Free Noosa called 'You Q can be Plastic Free!'
Plastic Free Noosa is a project run by the Boomerang Alliance. Plastic Free Noosa works directly with food retailers, events, markets, and other organisations to help them to switch from single-use plastics to better alternatives. They also work with council, suppliers, manufacturers and composters to deliver real solutions to businesses.
Part of their mission is to inspire the community to make changes and support those businesses that do too.
The workshop was run by Chad Buxton and 10-year-old eco warrior Jarrah Small to show us just how easy it is to be plastic free.
Here are just a couple of their tips:
- Consciously limit your use of single-use and disposable products and choose alternatives that can be used again. Jarrah carries per re-usable cutlery and cups with her.
- Compost your organic waste. If you don’t have room to compost, take it to your local composting hub
- Collect soft plastics and take them to your local major supermarkets for recycling.
- Get to know the rules of recycling here.
- And at the very least, stop buying plastic water bottles.