Image of Business School Community Garden
Business School Community Garden

Awareness of the Green Fund as a resource increased this year, as did the number of applications!

In April the Business School successfully applied for a grant to create a community garden for their school in an empty garden bed beside the Sir Llew Edwards building.

This process involved a large amount of collaboration with both Sustainability Office staff, and the UQ Community Garden Coordinator Michael, who was instrumental in ensuring the species planted in this garden would survive in the extremely sunny spot the garden bed is in!

They completed this project utilising matched funding from the Business School and Sustainability’s Green Fund, and the garden is now flourishing!

Image of SEES Aeroponics Garden
SEES Aeroponics Garden

Another successful Green Fund application from this year was the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Aeroponics Garden.

The students who prepared this application created a union funded club to ensure that the project would continue to be operational after their own graduation.

The Aeroponics setup was part funded by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and from UQ’s Green Fund.

The President of the UQ Aeroponics Club, and applicant for this Green Fund project, Kritim Dhakal, had this to say about the Aeroponics tower:

‘The aeroponics system being installed was a long time coming, but now that it is in, it has created a sense of community in students within SEES'

The Aeroponics club have also run several successful events this year, kicking off with an Aeroponics Club/Green Fund information session in Sustainability Week, and following this with a ‘Germinate your plant’ session, and culminating in a Sustainable Gardens Harvest event, where the founder of Australian Urban Growers, Christopher Fullon, came along to speak about the potential of urban growing systems.

This event was a great success, bringing together students and staff of all backgrounds together through urban farming!

Find out more about the UQ Aeroponics club from their Facebook page, or find them on LinkedIn.